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March 14, 2025, 07:31:50 PM *
News: Latest Bitcoin Core release: 28.0 [Torrent]
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Miscategorized communications will never be acted upon.

Internal forum issues

  • If you see a post that is spam or should otherwise be deleted, use the "report to moderator" link to report it. And similarly for PMs, but with the "report to admin" link.
  • If you can't access your account, see here.
  • If you disagree with a trust rating you've received, complain to the person who gave you the rating, and/or complain to people who include that person in their trust lists, and/or post in the Reputation section. We do not moderate trust ratings for correctness.
  • If you think that a moderator did something incorrectly, first PM that moderator and get an explanation from them. If that doesn't work, complain about it the Meta section.
  • If you have a feature suggestion or a general complaint about how the forum works, post about it in the Meta section.
  • To report a clear bug, send an email here. More vague or large-scale bugs and suggestions should be posted in Meta; the email address is for bugs that should obviously be fixed pretty quickly. It is never a bug for a new account to have to pay a fee, even if you think that it's unwarranted.
  • Note that we have large security bounties. Use the above email address to report security vulnerabilities.


  • We don't sell ads. Any ads you see are sold by users directly, and we do not intermediate these transactions in any way.
  • We don't sell stickies or similar.
  • is not for sale.

Legal complaints

General rule for complaints aims to enable as much freedom for its users as is legally possible. We will not remove content just because it annoys you. In particular, under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, cannot be held responsible for defamation by users, even if notified that possible defamation exists.

If you send us legally-nonsensical demands, we may publish them to make it clear to the world that you are illegitimately and possibly-illegally attempting to stifle discussion.


If you are complaining about an image located at That image is hosted elsewhere, and we are only proxying it from the original location in order to protect user privacy. You should not complain to us. In order to find the true origin:
  1. Copy the link
  2. Paste it here and click decode.
  3. Find the true URL in the middle of the decoded URL. For example, in, the true origin URL is Complain to them.
Otherwise, send a properly-formatted DMCA takedown here. As required by law, you must include in your takedown notice at least:
  • Your full legal name and address
  • A description of the copyrighted material being violated
  • Links to the offending posts
  • An identification of the parts of the post containing your copyrighted material. In some cases we will remove only the offending parts of posts rather than the entire post.
  • A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Note that under the DMCA, the poster can send us a counter-notice to have the content restored.


Trademarks do not allow you to control people from talking about it. They only protect against brand confusion and similar. So trademark complaints are only likely to be valid in our Marketplace sections. Send a notice here. You must include at least:
  • Your full legal name and address
  • Links to the offending posts
  • A link to your trademark registration
  • A declaration under penalty of perjury that the usage of your trademark in the offending post is illegal
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